Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Struggles in the Downtown East Side.

  The Downtown East Side is a residence filled with individuals ranging from wealthy to poor, but along the corner of Hastings and Main rests the poorest location in the poorest postal code in Canada. In the downtown East Side of Vancouver rest several issues that are passively being ignore; such as poverty, prostitution, violence and drug use. Although the government still ceases to view these issues as dominant. There have been attempts in creating further progress in returning this residential postal code back to its pre-dominate stage of beauty. Poverty is the base issue and category which prostitution, violence, and drug use fall under. Each of these specific issues revolves heavily around the factor of poverty. Although poverty is not an issue that contains simple solutions, if we are able to fix the issues revolving around poverty, and that enable poverty to remain as a dominate issue in the Downtown East Side; there will be decrease within the low income resident’s community, and the homeless.

  Women located in the Downtown East Side whom are involved in the sex trade face multiple dangers, violence, isolation and illness. A creation such as the Mobile Access Project provides emergency medical assistance, counseling, condoms, clean needles and resourceful information. MAP was a very successful project; specific individuals reported saying this program made them feel “safer on the streets". MAP has emerged as a viable harm reduction source for serving in immediate health and trauma related needs for women involved in street-level sex work within the Downtown East Side. More than 60 women have disappeared from the neighborhood in the past decade. Prostitution is an extremely complicated topic, although the exchange of money for sex is legal, it’s the activities associated within the topic which are the remaining problem. There has been much talk about decriminalizing sex work to create a safer environment, but there is an opposing party who believes it will create an unsafe environment for vulnerable women and children. The ideology of assimilating prostitution is merely impossible, but if the society, police, politicians and the government made a safer and secure environment for sex trade workers, the accessibility and environment will alter in a positive direction.

  Violence has primary been seen amongst women in the Downtown Eastside community. There have been an increased number of patrolling police officers in this location. Although it is very seldom that victims of violence talk to the police, it is believed that an estimate of 500-800 beatings, rapes, robberies and knifings take place. The creation of the “Bad Date List “by John Torvery a social activist is where reports from prostitutes if violence against them can be stated.

  Due to the unsanitary usage of drugs in the Downtown East Side, it has the highest HIV rate in North America which affects 30% of the local population; specifically women. The corner of Hastings and Main is the epicenter for drug usage in all of North America. Several individuals take drastic measures for the assurance of reaching the "ultimate high". Insite is a location that creates a safe environment for drug users; it saves several live by providing clean needles and counseling. Insite is the main cause for the drastic change revolving around the amount of drug users remaining in ally’s and on the streets.

  The subject Downtown East Side is very large, and at times can be overwhelming due to the amount of problems remaining within the location. Although the Downtown Eastside is viewed as a form of beauty, the lack of development is causing more harm and danger. The massive amount of poverty, prostitution and drug usage is draining the few positives remaining in Downtown Vancouver. My point solely remains around the ideology that change needs to occur, without the assistance of civilians, political figures and the government change will not be achieved.

Questions that I have been asking myself lately, and that I would like for you readers to think about is how did Vancouver's Downtown Eastside end up in the position it is in now?
What are the causes?
And how can we change the alterations that are continuously developing?

                                                   The Downtown Eastside Introduction


  1. Selam, I strongly agree that poverty is one of the main causes of Drug use, prostitution and violence in the downtown east side. Poverty tends to cause individuals to want to act violently for territory, turn to prostitution as a way to make money to meet everyday living needs and use drugs as a way to escape living in these conditions. I agree that if we as a society can somehow create a solution to over throw poverty in the downtown east side then there is a chance of recreating a predominant beautiful postal code.

  2. The Mobile Access Project is a great start to helping the Down Town area of it's not so proud of things. As a tourist Down Town Vancouver is a popular place and the government tries to hide it on popular events such as the Olympics. Instead of trying to hide it the Mobile Access Project slowly but surely is trying to help the people. I enjoyed reading your first post and realize you are trying to bring attention to the public of problems that many people are not aware of.

  3. Hi Selam,

    Your thorough explanation along with the video, really gave me a better understanding of this issue. I was surprised by some of the facts you stated, such as the fact that the Downtown Eastside is the poorest location in Canada and that it has the highest HIV rate in North America. The hardship in the Downtown Eastside is much more severe than I ever thought.

    The initiatives being taken to improve the conditions were very interesting. It seems to me that the "Insite" program would(or already has) create controversy. Do you know if there has been opposition to creating safe drug sites? And by whom?

    I am also wondering how successful "the Bad Date List" has been, have many women posted to the site?

  4. Mike- Thanks so much for you're reply, and I am very happy that these issues are concerning to you. I’m pleased that you have your own insight on the issue that is occurring in a location extremely close to us.

  5. Emily- Thank you for taking time on connecting with the issues that are currently at a stand still in the developing world. I also strongly agree that issues such as the MAP are beginning to make a change in our society.

  6. Mina- Thanks for your detailed post, but yes there has been controversy regarding insite, several people believe that it is a location that is enabling drug users to continue using. Although I do not believe that it is any specific group of people whom are against the usage of insite, I am certain that the controversy revolved around the governments lack or interest and want within the creation of insite; as well as citizens such as ourselves could very well be against the creation of this type of facility. From my understanding “the bad date list” has been decently successful; the main reason that it is not living up to its full potential is due to the fact that several individuals, particularly women are fearful of reporting the assaults.
